Raymond Royal Rife was a Microbiologist/Pathologist and frequency researcher in the 1930's. He invented a powerful optical microscope, in order to be able to see living bacteria, viruses and fungi (pathogens) that he suspected to be causing a range of illnesses. This powerful microscope is called the Darkfield Microscope or Live Blood Cell Microscope. He found that he could see the individual pathogens in the blood better by illuminating them with a light frequency that matched their own body resonance frequency and causing them to glow. When he intensified the frequencies, he observed the pathogens either bursting or going inanimate.
Rife learned that different species of life have their own electromagnetic "signature" - a pattern of oscillation based on its individual genetic chemical blueprint. It's different for all. Dr. Rife discovered that viruses, bacteria, and parasites are particularly sensitive to their own specific "bio frequencies" and could be destroyed by intensifying those frequencies until it literally explodes... like an intense musical note that can shatter a wine glass! In order to "explode" the microbes, Rife invented a "frequency beam ray" machine.
As Christopher Bird reported in the New Age article, regarding bacterium/viruses, "... many lethal... those of tuberculosis, typhoid, leprosy . . . appeared to disintegrate or 'bIow up' in the field of his microscope."
This invention led to the development of a remarkable way of selectively destroying these bacteria and viruses by subjecting them to their own resonance frequency in a similar way to how a glass is shattered when a singer hits the right note! This is referred to as Resonance Frequency Therapy with a Frequency Generator that blasts the frequencies of pathogens and sends beneficial frequencies to cells.
Raymond Royal Rife 1888 - 1971
The I Omega Bioresonance Device,
Invented by Scientist Walt Myers, is a modern evolution of the earlier Rife devices with significant advancement in the frequency delivery system. Using a frequency tuner coupled with an ion projector the various tone waves are able to carry directly through the air and gently through the body in a non invasive energy pattern. This allows a soft charge of positive and negative ions to resonate the unwanted pathogens that are attached to a person’s body cells and cause them to dissipate. The body is then able to release the broken down pathogens and expel them through regular elimination. Because of the extensive work that has been done in this field, many contributions from scientists all over the world there is now a database of over 57,000 frequencies that have shown effectiveness in a wide range of Health conditions such as, cancer, fibromyalgia, herpes, diabetes, migraines, sciatica, cysts, sinuses, low energy, various skin conditions etc. For people that are relatively healthy from the start, the frequencies tend to serve as a "Cellular tuneup" which just helps the body to operate more efficiently afterward. When pathogens are released from the body, more red blood cell and more white blood cell activity is it enabled thereby allowing the distribution more oxygen and more nutrients to the cells. This tends to enhance the body's ability to heal itself at a more accelerated rate.
Cellular Energy Tune-Up
Every part of the body operates on a different frequency and those frequencies must be maintained throughout life. As you get older and subjected to different forces like stress, anxiety, fatigue, digestive issues etc. your body frequencies get out of key, sort of like an instrument that is not in tune. Just like an out of tune instrument cannot stay in harmony, an out of tune body cannot stay in harmony with nature thereby becoming subject to various ailments and other maladies.
To facilitate the Cellular Energy Tune-Up experience various types of frequencies are programmed into the device (according to your ailment or energy goal) to pass a gentle beam of Ionic energy over your body which helps to retune your cells and thereby aid them in dispelling pathogens. This gives your body a chance to get more natural oxygen into the cells and thus, inspire more interactivity amongst the white and red blood cells generally resulting in greater energy and higher state of wellness. The sessions are conducted in half Hour or Hour segments where one will sit quietly between two ion pans and listen to soft music while they gently receive their frequencies through the air. (Nothing is attached to them and the process is completely safe and conducted in a sanitary environment.
The operators have undergoing extensive training in the theory and application of Bioresonant frequency therapy administration. All equipment and techniques used are completely noninvasive.
Please NOTE that this work is experimental only. There are no claims as to the effectiveness of this system for any particular condition.
Warning! Bioresonance devices are contraindicated for use by women in the first trimester of pregnancy and by people who have undergone an organ transplantation. In addition, it is not recommended to use the device within the first two months after suffering a myocardial infarction or if you are using a pacemaker.
if you would like to participate in I OMEGA research by having Sessions by Donation only.
Rife learned that different species of life have their own electromagnetic "signature" - a pattern of oscillation based on its individual genetic chemical blueprint. It's different for all. Dr. Rife discovered that viruses, bacteria, and parasites are particularly sensitive to their own specific "bio frequencies" and could be destroyed by intensifying those frequencies until it literally explodes... like an intense musical note that can shatter a wine glass! In order to "explode" the microbes, Rife invented a "frequency beam ray" machine.
As Christopher Bird reported in the New Age article, regarding bacterium/viruses, "... many lethal... those of tuberculosis, typhoid, leprosy . . . appeared to disintegrate or 'bIow up' in the field of his microscope."
This invention led to the development of a remarkable way of selectively destroying these bacteria and viruses by subjecting them to their own resonance frequency in a similar way to how a glass is shattered when a singer hits the right note! This is referred to as Resonance Frequency Therapy with a Frequency Generator that blasts the frequencies of pathogens and sends beneficial frequencies to cells.
Raymond Royal Rife 1888 - 1971
The I Omega Bioresonance Device,
Invented by Scientist Walt Myers, is a modern evolution of the earlier Rife devices with significant advancement in the frequency delivery system. Using a frequency tuner coupled with an ion projector the various tone waves are able to carry directly through the air and gently through the body in a non invasive energy pattern. This allows a soft charge of positive and negative ions to resonate the unwanted pathogens that are attached to a person’s body cells and cause them to dissipate. The body is then able to release the broken down pathogens and expel them through regular elimination. Because of the extensive work that has been done in this field, many contributions from scientists all over the world there is now a database of over 57,000 frequencies that have shown effectiveness in a wide range of Health conditions such as, cancer, fibromyalgia, herpes, diabetes, migraines, sciatica, cysts, sinuses, low energy, various skin conditions etc. For people that are relatively healthy from the start, the frequencies tend to serve as a "Cellular tuneup" which just helps the body to operate more efficiently afterward. When pathogens are released from the body, more red blood cell and more white blood cell activity is it enabled thereby allowing the distribution more oxygen and more nutrients to the cells. This tends to enhance the body's ability to heal itself at a more accelerated rate.
Cellular Energy Tune-Up
Every part of the body operates on a different frequency and those frequencies must be maintained throughout life. As you get older and subjected to different forces like stress, anxiety, fatigue, digestive issues etc. your body frequencies get out of key, sort of like an instrument that is not in tune. Just like an out of tune instrument cannot stay in harmony, an out of tune body cannot stay in harmony with nature thereby becoming subject to various ailments and other maladies.
To facilitate the Cellular Energy Tune-Up experience various types of frequencies are programmed into the device (according to your ailment or energy goal) to pass a gentle beam of Ionic energy over your body which helps to retune your cells and thereby aid them in dispelling pathogens. This gives your body a chance to get more natural oxygen into the cells and thus, inspire more interactivity amongst the white and red blood cells generally resulting in greater energy and higher state of wellness. The sessions are conducted in half Hour or Hour segments where one will sit quietly between two ion pans and listen to soft music while they gently receive their frequencies through the air. (Nothing is attached to them and the process is completely safe and conducted in a sanitary environment.
The operators have undergoing extensive training in the theory and application of Bioresonant frequency therapy administration. All equipment and techniques used are completely noninvasive.
Please NOTE that this work is experimental only. There are no claims as to the effectiveness of this system for any particular condition.
Warning! Bioresonance devices are contraindicated for use by women in the first trimester of pregnancy and by people who have undergone an organ transplantation. In addition, it is not recommended to use the device within the first two months after suffering a myocardial infarction or if you are using a pacemaker.
if you would like to participate in I OMEGA research by having Sessions by Donation only.