Herbal Interest SurveyDemographic Information (Optional)
Age: __________
Gender: __________
Location: __________
Section 1: General Interest in Herbs
How would you rate your current knowledge of herbs?
No knowledge
Basic knowledge
Intermediate knowledge
Advanced knowledge
How interested are you in learning more about herbs?
Not interested
Somewhat interested
Very interested
What specific areas of herbs are you most interested in? (Select all that apply)
Culinary uses
Medicinal uses
Gardening and cultivation
Herbal teas and infusions
Other: __________
Section 2: Practical Application 4. Do you currently use herbs in your daily life?
If yes, how do you use herbs? (Select all that apply)
Herbal remedies
Essential oils
Other: __________
How likely are you to incorporate more herbs into your daily routine?
Not likely
Somewhat likely
Very likely
Section 3: Learning Preferences 7. What methods of learning do you prefer? (Select all that apply)
Online courses
Workshops or classes
Books and articles
Videos and documentaries
Hands-on experience (e.g., gardening)
Other: __________
How much time are you willing to dedicate to learning about herbs each week?
Less than 1 hour
1-2 hours
3-5 hours
More than 5 hours
Section 4: Barriers to Learning 9. What challenges do you face in learning about or using herbs? (Select all that apply)
Lack of time
Limited access to resources
Confusion about where to start
Skepticism about effectiveness
Other: __________
Section 5: Additional Comments 10. Please share any additional thoughts or comments regarding your interest in herbs:
Thank you for participating in the Herbal Interest Survey! Your responses will help us understand the level of interest in herbs and how we can better support learning and practical application.